Essential oil fixes for common problems

Essential oil fixes for common problems

The use of essential oils may seem like a new trend nowadays, but people are using essential oils for thousand of years, Egyptians being the first ones to use essential oils for aromatherapy and then the Greeks later4 started using them for perfumication healing, etc.

Essential oils should be a versatile part of our medicine cabinet, most preferably essential oils that contain medicinal and cosmetic properties. They work to support the body’s own healing system, and when used correctly, may be able to take the place of conventional over-the-counter remedies.

Here are five essential oils that are great for solving many common problems:

1 Lavender:
Lavender is the most well-known of the essential oils, and for good reason. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can reduce the healing time for scrapes, bites and stings. It doesn’t require a carrier oil, and can be put directly onto the affected area. Lavender has also been shown to promote relaxation and sleep. Try adding a few drops to the bath, or on your pillow to help you unwind and fall asleep.

2. Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is an incredibly versatile essential oil. First, it is useful when it comes to controlling acne breakouts since it helps clean the pores without over-saturating the skin. Additionally, its antimicrobial properties prevent the spread of acne-causing bacteria, P. acnes. The combination of these properties helps keep the skin clear and helps prevent further breakouts.

3. Peppermint Essential Oil:
Peppermint Essential Oil is both cooling and refreshing and stimulating and warming. It helps tone, soften, and calm the skin, in addition to providing antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. According to research published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, peppermint oil is an effective remedy for dermatitis, ringworm, sunburn, inflammation, and oily skin.

4. Rosemary Essential Oil:
When you have a headache and you just want to rub your temples – try a little rosemary essential oil. It’s a stimulating oil that helps to increase circulation under the skin, which is great for relieving pain, muscle tension, and headaches. In aromatherapy, rosemary oil is used to release tension and calm anxiety, which may also be the cause of a headache.

5. Peppermint
The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical text from 1550 B.C., lists peppermint as a cure for stomach pain. With a variety of proposed benefits, the use of peppermint oil has been historically associated with digestive and stomach issues. Some research has suggested that inhaling peppermint oil decreases hunger cravings, meaning the more you sniff the less you scarf down. Other studies have shown that consuming peppermint oil capsules can provide relief to patients with irritable bowel syndrome and that drinking a glass of water with a few drops of peppermint oil after a meal can provide relief from indigestion.
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